Thin sound-insulating cover wall 23 mm thick +9 to +11 dB concealed
Mute Sound System
The mute sound insulation system is easy to install and with a very thin very effective. This is confirmation of the panels by the patented DClox. As a result, there is less than 1% of flexible connection to the base wall, this system is, therefore, is more effective at a lower thickness. A standard double wall or ceiling with styles is stiffer and more flexible connections. There are three variants with different thicknesses.
The MUTE 23 system is only 2.25 cm thick and gives an improvement of 9 dB with a standard dwelling separating wall. By using additional products such as a visco-elastic extra layer and DClant kit, the insulation can be further improved.
Installation Videos:
Korte video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YESR6X-nDB4
Long video for walls - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dG-eQKWLlU
Long video for ceilings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7ZbmLHR4GU
Website info for photos and product description:
Wall - Mute System 23mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-walls/?product=95
Wall - Mute System 33mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-walls/?product=96
Wall - Mute System 63mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-walls/?product=97
Ceiling - Mute System 23mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-ceiling/?product=98
Ceiling - Mute System 33mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-ceiling/?product=99
Ceiling - Mute System 63mm - https://www.decibelinternational.co.uk/sound-insulation-ceiling/?product=100
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