Sound Plan Starter Kit Industry
  • SoundPLAN Startkit Industry
  • Sound Plan Starter Kit Industry

Sound Plan Starter Kit Industry


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Sound Plan was one of the first commercial sound calculation. It is sold since 1986. Due to the growing international market opened an international office in 1999. The core business of Sound Plan is forecasting the noise due to various noise sources such wegvekeer, rail traffic, industry etc. Sound Plan uses 2D and 3D techniques to perform noise calculations of the various national or international calculation rules. The software is equipped with various computing protocols such as:

  • Europe / International: ISO9613 Part 1
  • Germany: VDI 2714 / VDI 2720 / DIN 18005 / TA Laerm
  • Austria: 28 OeAL
  • UK: BS 5228
  • Nordic: General Prediction Method for Industrial Plants / Nord 2000
  • Japan: ASJ industrial model
  • USA: Industry model based on TNM, WDI
  • The calculations for indoor noise problems are based on the VDI 3760.

Alhoewel alle standaard rekenmodellen voor industrielawaai de geluidsverzwakking prognosticeren volgens vast gelegde fysische regels zijn er wel verschillen. Sommige modellen prognosticeren de worst case scenarion onder meewind condities, andere prognosticeren de geluidsverzwakking onder gemiddelde meteo condities. Er zijn drie basis modellen. VDI 2714/2740 het algemene model voor het voorspellen van industrielawaai, OEAL28 en de ISO9613 hebben dezelfde wortels maar met verschillende variaties.Voor het voorspellen van de geluidsvoortplanting in gebouwen wordt gebruik gemaakt van de VDI 3760.

The Dutch calculation according to the Manual Measurement Computing and Industrial Noise 1999 not included as explicit calculation, but according to the international standard ISO9613.



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