Contact Sound Generator.
For the measurement of contact noise, use is made of a contact sound generator, referred to in the jargon as a hammer device or hammer machine. The hammer device is equipped with 5 steel hammers that are released successively from a height of 4 cm above the surface in a rhythm of 10 strokes per second. The hammer device is calibrated by accurately adjusting the fall height of the hammers using the enclosed spacer.
By using the hammer device, a fairly constant standardized sound is produced that, with conventional constructions and insulation values, is easily measurable. The sound caused by turning on the floor construction with the hammer device has little in common with normal household noises.
ABC has in its program an excellent and affordable noise generator that meets the requirements of the BS 5077 and various other international standards. The TM002 Hamer Machine is a sturdy, self-contained source for the measurement of sound insulation.
This Hamer Device complies with the standard requirements of ISO 140, EN 20140, ASTM E492, GB J75-84, NEN-5077, etc.
The main features are: