Frequency 8 Hz - 10kHz, Pressure-field, 50mV / Pa
Pressure Field Microphone 1/2 inch.
In its program, ABC has various precision sound-measuring microphones and associated preamps class 1 and class 2. The microphones are of very high quality and 1/2 as cheap as the microphones that are supplied via sound meter suppliers or brokers. As an example: the MP253 is a 1/2 "propolarized sound pressure (pressure field) sound measuring microphone.
It is the ideal microphone to use in IEC61672 class 1 sound level meters and other sound measuring equipment where class 1 precision is required. The microphone diaphragm of the MP253 is made according to the BSWA diaphragm coating procedure. The housing of the microphone is made of Nickel-Aluminum which ensures that there is as little variation as possible with changing temperature, pressure and humidity.
Each microphone individually calibration report is supplied with frequency response and sensitivity.